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An Introduction to Myself.

Who am I? 
My name is James Watts and I have been attending San Francisco State University for the past five years. Upon completing my final cumulative summer design course I will have achieved my Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design and my minor in English literature. I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend my time in college living in San Francisco and have been taking advantage of the opportunities it has presented to me. While attending school I have also been pursuing art. I have grown an ardent passion for painting and drawing these last few years. Due to support and encouragement of my friends and family, I have been striving to develop my own style and have continued to pursue my love for art. The city has provided me opportunities to work alongside other talented artist who have not only inspired me but have helped me develop a sense of community within this rapidly changing city. While continuing to focus on work and school, I will continue to focus on my other passions, as well. When I am not painting, you will usually find me either cooking or spending time reading a book. When it comes to work, I have immense interest in drafting and BIM modeling. This summer I have acquired an internship with a company called Arup. They specialize in engineering and architectural consultation, where they work with many companies to complete large construction projects. Currently I am working together with the BIM department in the San Francisco office to help facilitate and complete projects alongside other drafters and engineers. 

What wow's me? 

People who are unbelievably talented and successful, and yet still behave as genuinely, caring individuals. Artist who break traditions and are not afraid to stand out amongst their contemporaries. Ancient cities that display unbelievable archaic architectural and engineering projects that seem radical even to the present day.

Who are my influences?

The people who have influenced me the most though my life are: my family, my friends, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Buckminster Fuller, Marvin Gaye, Andrae Crouch, Frank Norris, Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Lloyd Wright, Maxwell, Frank Stella, Ramsey Lewis, MF Doom, Kanye West, Anita Baker, and Mac Dre. I could go on and on, but I will not. 

What is your Vision or HOPE in your life(time): academically; professionally; and/or socially?

My hope in my lifetime is to discover my greatest passion and pursue it with all of my heart. At the moment I want to explore all these different facets of design in order to determine what my ultimate path might be. Once I find out what I truly enjoy working at, I desire to know everything I can about that subject. I want to have everlasting relationships with the people I love and continue to meet new people and form deep connections. I want to explore the world and find a place that I can enjoy living in for the rest of my life.

Post 3-6 Image(s) that Best represents YOU and/or Your Visions

Six (6) “Key Words” that best describe ME

1. Hardworking
2. Laid-back
3. Contradicting
4. Fickle
5. Curious
6. Lucky

“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it" 

-Kurt VonnegutA Man Without a Country


  1. Always love your artwork! YOU are unbelievably talented and is genuinely caring!

  2. That English minor coming out to play! Wrote a damn novela about yourself haha! Hope we can work together in the future baby! #fickle

  3. Such a well-rounded person! Love your artwork and your passion for art!

  4. "Hardworking, laidback, contradicting." LOL you kill me man. Keep up the fresh artwork!

  5. That's a killer list of influences! But I see it in you!

  6. Your list of influences hits a sweet spot for me. And your work is always amazing James. Excited for your upcoming work.

  7. Hey James! Killer art and I am excited to see what you create this semester.

  8. James, Welcome to DES 505 Summer Session!

    Like your Intro 505 Journal Blog 7 its unique Illustrative flair!
    Looking forward to working with you.

    Be sure to update your Journal Blog on a Weekly basis. As of date you should be posting Assign#1: Commenting on Six (6) 505 Peer Journal Blogs: Assign#2: List the Three (3) Existing 505 Projects you reviewed; Assign#3: List the Three (3) Proposed 505 Project Topics you created Problem/Purpose Statements; Design Thinking Class Activity: List Your Partner's Final Problem Statement & Proposed Solution > Scan Your Solution Concept Page


    Prof. Gomes

  9. Nice inspiration and art. Hope to get to know you this summer!

  10. Really love the imagery you've included with your introduction

  11. James.

    Bad ass list of people to have been influenced by. It's crazy how perspectives can bring completely different thoughts and ideas.



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